iPhone/ Smartphones comparison chart
if you have had any doubt (click on the pic to enlarge)
if you have had any doubt (click on the pic to enlarge)
guess what? no copy/paste feature in iPhone. so… most of you won't be able to blog with the iPhone :)
discutiile sunt intense. daca se si pun in practica ne-am scos :)
nush citi au observat, dar in coloana din dreapta, aia cu categoriile apare de azi una noua: video report. mai pe lung povestea se cheama [boio video report] si va […]
i was talking here about my visit in Hollywood Apple Store. now you can enjoy the video (my first video report)
pseudo-scandalu blogosferei romanesti nu este altceva decit un patetic joc al comentariilor jeg, vis urit, zoso si alti citiva pe linga ei au inceput sa-si arunce vorbe de ocara de […]
At&T and Apple came up with 3 plans for iPhone. the cheapest will be $59.99 per month and will include unlimited data (web and email). here's the official press release: […]
3 days till it's coming, and we already have desperate people. i admit i'm looking into the possibility to get one, but it all depends if it's gonna work with […]
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