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Conform articolului 7 din legea 190/2018, prelucrarea în scop jurnalistic este derogată de prevederile Regulamentului general privind protecția datelor cu caracter personal daca este asigurat un echilibru în ceea ce privește libertatea de exprimare și dreptul la informație.
Marile companii intr-ale hartilor online (daca pot sa-i numesc asa) ne-au ignorat dintotdeauna. Daca pina mai ieri Google Maps detinea suprematia in domeniu si ne oferea cele mai recente harti, […]
si asta e poza cu nr 2 miliarde. eu abia acum am inceput sa folosesc flickr, dar numai pt ca jucaria de uploadat poze din windows live foloseste si flickr. […]
mai stii masa aia multi-touch pe care ne-a aratat-o microsoft demuuult? ei bine o scoate pe piata. pretul promotional este super. in loc de 10 mii dolari (cit ziceau initial), […]
Intai sa schimbe designul in versiunea pentru Windows si pe urma mai vedem.
Their software, their design politics, their chose.
On the other hand, it seems legit that they are keepers of the an unified design which is used on both Win or Mac versions of the Ms Office.
@Hypher: iTunes and iCloud are examples of unified design both on Windows and OS X. Compare them to the Office Suite.
So having the same look & feel on both Windows and OSX is absolutely OK for iTunes but completely wrong for Outlook? How so?
@Ionuț Staicu: Nope. The problem is the complicated interface and old-looking, fugly big buttons.
Just to be on the same page, you do know that the ribbon can be collapsed, yes? Also, most of the commands are easy to group into a custom menu bar.
Here is a sample of how my Outlook looks like: http://i.imgur.com/Jf8JWU9.png
I don’t see any big buttons nor a complicated interface.
@Ionuț Staicu: Nope. I didn’t know you can collapse it. Why wouldn’t they just keep it like that so it looks elegant and simple?