Planet Unknown – un film de animație care ne aduce aminte de Wall-E

Filmul a fost realizat de regizorul student Shawn Wang.

“It took around 4 months to build the 3D assets. Then Shawn moved on to animatic previews. Each individual shot got more clear and problems to solve became more specific. Then the rest of the time were mainly focused on building scenes, keyframe animation, FX simulation, rendering and compositing.

Three months before the hand in date Shawn approached Echoic Audio, one of the UKs leading music and sound design studios, to create the soundtrack for the film. The collaboration was a huge success with Echoic’s epic orchestral score and detailed sound design catapulting the film to the next level.

The project got wrapped on June 1st 2016. And premiered 9 days later at Communications University of China to an audience of more 2,000 from all over the city. Planet Unknown recently won Best Animated Short at the Burbank International Film Festival”.

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