Jobs si Ive – Atentia pentru detalii dusa la obsesie

Am dat peste un material excelent despre relatia dintre Steve Jobs si Jonathan Ive. NPR (un fel de Radio Romania Actualitati a Americii) a discutat cu Designerul – geniu de la Apple si a analizat putin istoria lui din facultate pina la iPad.

Ive was raised in a middle class neighborhood in London and attended design school at Newcastle Polytechnic. While in school, his friends couldn’t help but notice that his flat was filled from top to bottom with models for a project to help people communicate with children who had hearing problems. Each model was a little different because Ive kept redesigning it to get it right. Robert Brenner, who has since left Apple, hired Ive in 1992. He says Ive is relentless.

And you really have to be very relentless to get good stuff out in the market. And I think that is an attribute of Jonathan. He was very, very focused on getting it just right.

Jobs is equally obsessed with details, says author Leander Kahney. The night before the iPod was introduced to the press, Jobs discovered that the headphone jack didn’t make a click when you plugged in the headphones.

So he ordered the engineers to dismantle them all and put in headphone jacks that made a nice satisfying click when you plugged the headphone in. So these guys stayed up all night and then had to repackage the iPods in the morning to give to the journalists and the press. And it was kind of nutsy. I mean, who does that kind of thing? Who’s going to notice?

Evident, reportajul audio cu tot cu interviuri este deosebit si explica mai mult decit citatul de mai sus.

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  1. ar trebuii sa se faca un ebook in iBooks despre oamenii de la apple, ar iesii mai mult decat o poveste placuta de citit :)

  2. Se vede si din prezentarile pe care le fac ca Jonathan Ive este un specialist atent la detalii;după părerea mea,succesul Apple se datorează in mare parte simbiozei între partea de hardware si cea de software-ambele fiind minutios studiate si dezvoltate.

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