YouTube Music Key – pay for your music videos

MTV killed the radio star and YouTube killed MTV.

Id YouTube killing himself by adding a paywall? They’re newest attempt to empty your wallet is called YouTube Music Key – a paid service (currently in Beta) that costs $7.99 per month.

For that price you get a few perks: ads-free music, background play and offline viewing (inside the YouTube app).

It’s good to see Google trying to offer a better experience. However, they have created an annoying and inferior product and now they want to charge us to offer the better one?

This is just like Microsoft offering a home and a professional edition of their Windows OS. Everyone knows the professional version is much better, but they stick with the cheaper one because Microsoft is charging ridiculous amounts of money to get the extra features.

$7.99 / month is not expensive for some, but it is more than some users around the world pay for their Internet connection for 30 days. Creeping up products just to charge for a better version is not a good strategy, Google!

What are they going to do next? Charge for HD videos or let you view only 240p?

Here’s the intro video. Yes Justin Bieber and the Numa-Numa song guy are there.

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  1. sa fie cu bani….. o sa instalam addblocker…..cand nici asta nu o sa mearga o sa hacuim cardurile si vom avea conturi de iutube si cand nici astea nu vor mai functiona o sa ascultam muzica pe trilulilu…. sau nu stiu hipopotam.cra ( domeniu ptr tara ciorilor) ….romaniii se descurca sa asculte manele ….maneaua nu va muri ! va deveni hit chiar si pentru canada. cat despre micro (b) are cineva home edition ?

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